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Welcome to my new blog! ;)
I will be featuring posts about style, food, my art, behind the scenes, and more.
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MIRA´s Oxtail Stew
I made the most amazing Oxtail Stew yesterday and I want to share the recipe with you!!! This is what you need: 1 long oxtail cut up in...

"ALL I HEAR" live video.
Here is a Live video of ALL I HEAR ;) hope you like it!!! Dancers : CECILIE, JACKIE, IDA, GEORGIA, AINA, MELAT, KIMBERLY, SANDY, NINA...

Birthday boy Mio og jeg inviterte til gøy for små barn og store voksne barn hos MEGAFUN!!! Mio var med å lagde sin egen krone og han...

Jeg har dratt på Bislet Bad siden jeg var liten ;) Det er en historisk perle av et bad og jeg har mange minner her fra min barndom og...

Rush Trampoline park!!!
Me and my son had a blast at Rush trampoline park. It was so much fun and a great workout lol. They had trampoline basketball and I took...

Naprapat reddet beina mine!
De siste månedene har jeg jobbet hardt mot mitt releaseparty som er 11. mars på Ballroom. Jeg har danset masse og laget koreografi sammen...

I surprised my son and brought him to this amazing place called Megafun!!! Not only do they have the usual inside playground for kids...

Check out my shoot "BAE-WATCH" in my Gallery. The pictures are from my trip to Mexico with Star Tour, taken at The Royalton Riviera Hotel...

The Well
I had an amazing day and evening at The Well last week!!! My morning was a little stressful but my stay at The Well cleared it all away,...

"THE HUNT" New video and single out now!!!
Sjekk videoen på og hør låta på spotify og tidal
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