
I surprised my son and brought him to this amazing place called Megafun!!! Not only do they have the usual inside playground for kids with slides and, trampoline, fotball, basketball, ballroom with small balls, ballroom with big balls and mazes but they also had the possibility to fly inside a wind tunnel!!!! This was both me and Mio´s first time trying this and it was so much fun. They also had lazertag!!! I love lazertag, it was Mio´s first time ;) What a day! Megafun!!! lol

Look at Mio with the Starwars helmet, lol!!!

I can fly!!!!!

Im ready!

UP up and away!!!

He let me fly alone!!!

An amazing experience!!! Then they let us eat in one of the birthdayrooms!!!

Time for lazertag!!!

For some reason he keeps looking like the boy in starwars hahaha funny!

Lets do this!!!

Im coming to get ya!!!

Alien vibes in the ultra violet light, they should make this a snap filter lol ;)

Bye!!! Thank you so much MEGAFUN!!!!!!!!! We´ll be back!!!