In honor of Martin Luther King.
I will not be afraid. Women who could see things and channel spirits and angels were burned, drowned and stoned for centuries, but I will not be afraid. Bearers of light, whistle blowers, and those who fight for equality and truth have been stripped of their freedom, framed or assassinated, but I will not be afraid. Spiritual and peaceful civilizations have been made extinct, but I will not be afraid. They might drag my name in the mud and marsh of the cotton fields, but I will not be afraid. They might laugh and ridicule me, paint me as a clown and push me around, but I will not be afraid. They might threaten me and try to force me down, but I will not be afraid. They might try to bribe me, and put doubt in my mind, but I will not be afraid. I have seen my father strive for change, by changing the laws of the country and the world, through the democratic and governmental systems, he has worked for human rights all his life, but I am not as patient as he is, I’m grown now and so there’s no time for baby steps. I will not be afraid to say what I feel. My mom has stood up, traveled around the world and spoken against death penalty, to change the minds of countries and world leaders, researched all her life, but I’m not as patient as she is, I’m grown now and so there’s no time for baby steps. I will not be afraid to stand up for what i believe. To me the whole system is flawed and not before we abolish it, will things get better, and that time is now. I will not be afraid. The peaceful revolution is here and I will gladly walk the first steps with those who have walked before me and are walking beside me. I will joyfully come up with and discuss innovative and problem-solving ideas, I will meet the new dawn with excitement, because I’m not afraid. I have faith that the new world will be better, I know we can create it together, and so I’m not afraid. I know that our beautiful planet has all the resources needed. I know that love will not be defeated, and so I’m not afraid. I strike down my spear of light onto earth and watch with glittering eyes as humanity awakens to their true potential. I smile and laugh as they’re lifted up to the higher frequencies and vibrations of unconditional love. Soon there will be no fear left for darkness to cling to. It will be replaced with strength, care and unity. I am not afraid. I am alive! And Fearless. - Mira Craig